couple with dog

Your cat or dog has a very special place in your heart and within your family. The loving way they greet you at the door when you come home from work. The brightness in their eyes when it’s playtime. Their insistence on sitting on your lap – despite how large they may be! We can show our adoration for our pets, and our respect for people too, by practicing these good petiquette tips.

  • Unless given different instructions from your veterinarian, always make sure your pet has plenty of water, particularly on hot summer days or after playtime. If you plan to have your dog out and about throughout the day, bring their water dish with you.
  • Teach your pet proper manners – no chewing, no jumping, no excessive barking, and no bathroom in improper places. Consider hiring a trainer. A well-behaved pet leads to a happy pet and happy pet owners.
  • Get your pet their annual examinations and vaccinations so your pet and your family can remain healthy.
  • Have a designated “home” for your pet, whether it be a spacious crate or a pillow bed. Animals like having a safe place.
  • Clean up after your animals. Change your cat’s litter box often and scoop the poop from your yard. This will keep your home smelling fresh and your pets clean.
  • Always keep a close eye on your pets when they’re playing with other people or other people’s pets. Don’t allow aggressive play.
  • Get your dog plenty of exercise. By taking them for walks or scheduling regular playtime at home, they’re less likely to have behavioral problems and you’ll help them remain at a healthy weight.
  • If your pet has long fur, have them regularly groomed. Grooming isn’t just about appearances – it enhances your pet’s comfort and wellness.
  • When taking your pet out of your home, always have them on a leash.
  • Let guests know about your pets ahead of time as they may experience allergies.
  • Never leave your animal in the car on a hot day. If you’re running errands, leave your cat or dog at home. They’ll be much happier and safer there.